Freitag, 12. Juli 2013

Natural interactions while practicing the laying-on-of-hands

As we can recognize, currently there is increasing evidence of the market being swamped by a huge esoteric wave. You can virtually choose whatever you like best, and then back it up with faith; though, not knowing anything about it might be rather dangerous.

For a long time now, even spiritism has become an ordinary merchandize; unfortunately, no one asks whether the merchandize bought is “wholesome” or “inedible," how much of the merchandize we can tolerate or whether the content is written on the package.

For people spiritually or spiritistically involved, the laying-on-of-hands is one of the most popular actions, they get into contact with.  Be it for the faith healing of somebody or simply for giving emotional assistance to someone.

The interactions of this gesture on the psychical level of oscillations, though, have never been considered. Through a conscious and deliberate contact with another person, we’re conveying not only our emotions, but also our character-traits and all the other features being part of our energy field.

When we lay on our hands, we are working with our personal energy. Assuming that we’re not empty like a poured out vessel, the well-known “universal” energy (as used with Reiki) intermingles with our own energy before arriving to the beneficiary. Hence, we always give a part of us, as well. A blocked channel cannot transfer something as pure and clear as the universal energy.  They don’t even know, whether anything of that will penetrate, and matter-of-factly, most people have blockages because of their everyday problems, psychosomatic issues or their errantry in fictive worlds…in a nutshell, they neither are free, nor are they empty. These people frequently meet at healing courses which they are attending in order to get rid of their own problems. 

If you lay your hands on a person being anxious and scared, chances are that he or she may  be calmed down, because that’s exactly what you’ve intended to convey. The more balanced and morally pure is the energy healer’s character, having previously worked on it, a fortiori the patient gets into a pacific mood, and receives the appropriate energies. On the other hand, if the energy healer is practicing the lay-on-of-hands, and in doing so doesn’t concentrate on the patient, if he or she gets lost in reveries, overindulging in personal thoughts, he or she becomes like a sponge.   

In other words, he or she’s absorbing the patient’s energies and even his or her character-traits. This may be compared to the law of equilibrium as with diffusion. Inwards focusing brings about absorption, whereas outwards focusing mainly induces emission.  

This is an interaction admittedly controllable by will, but if you don’t know how to proceed, this endeavor might prove to be extremely difficult.  

You must know that the one bearing the lower oscillating, emotional, significant, and psychical energies conveys them to the one who’s trying to convey the higher oscillating energies; you may understand that the result from this interaction will be a heavy load for the bearer of higher oscillations.

The bearer of higher oscillations, even if he’s deliberately focusing outwards through his will power, is unable to shield himself incessantly from long-wave energies, and from one laying-on-of-hands procedure to the next, etc., he constantly absorbs these long-wave energy forms. In case he hasn’t learned how to dissipate these energies, he can suffer character damages, emotional traumata, psychic strain, and he can even be afflicted with a serious disease. Everything oscillating more long-waved than your personal energy is deposited somewhere in your energy field modifying its basic structure. The coarser these energies the more material are the consequences for the bearer.   

Therefore, it is highly important to avoid that children or youngsters, their evolution of personality still being at the beginning, are kept away from this kind of activities.   

Such a pure and unloaded energy field of a child (the most ideal case) would be downright poisoned, because a child has not nearly trained his or her power of concentration, yet, and is unable to focus outwards incessantly (How could a child, if even an adult isn’t capable of?).
Furthermore, it’s already quite an endeavor for a teenager to handle his own foggy world of thoughts; the effects and impacts on the teenager and on the other person of such an energetic roller coaster would be unpredictable.    

Empathy works rather similarly; both are based on the law of equilibrium.  

If you’re not able to dissipate these energies – there are certain, approved techniques for it – a healthy man can become a sick man, a balanced character, an aggressive one and someone, whose personality is psychically stable, may become mentally fragile.

The more the perception of a man is expanded, the more difficult it is for him to handle this issue.

The desire to help and the intentions to harm are two quite different purposes, yet they are the two sides of the same coin. If goodwill were sufficient to be protected, nobody would suffer of a gastric ulcer or undergo a syndrome of burn-out. Most people exactly know what it feels like being stressed or frenzied or turning problems over in their mind, and they also know how it feels being hurt or offended; hence, if they don’t grant themselves some time-out in order to empty their vessel, they’ll be carrying about a great deal of emotional baggage.

He who really concentrates on the laying-on-of-hands should be aware of what occurs on the ethereal level; hence, there’s no way for him to avoid consolidating his will and doing exercises to strengthen his power of concentration, thus acquiring the ability of emptying his vessel.  

However, who thoroughly observes himself, and verifies for how long he’s able focusing on an activity without indulging in his own thoughts? Who will use a chronograph to train this?

Who, in this ephemeral world, is willing to work on himself?

An answer to this question everyone must find alone, by himself! 



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